A professional logo design can make or break a business- smart business owners understand this. Maybe you run a recruitment company that specialised in temps, but now you want to source permanent staff for your roles. If your branding and logo revolves around temporary contractors, customers won’t know that they can come to your for permanent staff also.

This is a common problem and we always advise clients to make sure that their business name doesn’t piegeon hole them off the bat… But when is it time to rebrand your business?


You should rebrand when your business evolves.

Sometimes, a company gets the chance to expand into a new market. When that happens, it’s critical to make sure that your new customers and prospects can connect with your brand and understand what you offer. The example we used above happened to a client of ours- after two years of trading they need to ditch their company name and start afresh with a new brand.

This happened because the company had seen a new opportunity to grow their business by working with clients, who were already on the books, to source them permanent staff. Breaking into this new market under their old branding would have been confusing for their clients, so it made more sense to rebrand the business. They are now one of the UK’s fastest growing recruitment firms- so it worked!

Businesses should rebrand when their existing brand tires

We think that a well designed logo can work for a brand for around ten years. But when that time is up it’s time to let go. We recently rebranded a Northampton based finance company, and the rebrand took place almost bang on their ten year anniversary.

There are many trends in design and branding, and logos most certainly have a shelf life. If you are unsure whether your brand needs a refresh, get in touch and we will be happy to advise.

Should you rebrand when your competitors rebrand?

We work with a lot of small business owners who keep a close eye on their competition. We’ve had more than one conversation over the years with business owners that goes a little like this: “The other company down the street has rebranded, so we want to rebrand too!”

My answer to this is usually a resounding ‘NO!’

A rebrand is not something that a company should do for the sake of it.

Five things you need to know for a successful rebrand:

1. Start by understanding your WHYBefore you rebrand your business, it’s crucial that you understand your company’s mission and values- why do you do what you do? Why do you exist, why do people work with your business? This takes some thought, but makes for a much stronger brand ultimately.

2. Consider your audience and your competition. Before you carry out your rebrand, do your research. Explore the reasons why you stand out from your competitors, and what your value proposition is. It’s important that your new brand is fresh and relevant, but be careful- you don’t want to be so on-trend that your new logo dates too quickly!

3. Speak to your team. Your businesses branding may be one of it’s most importants assets, but just as valuable are the people within it. Speak to your team about your company- why do they love working there? What do they think the value proposition is? Speaking to everyone in a company can unearth some fascinating insights into your business.

4. Manage the rebrand carefully. A rebrand is often a complex and lengthy endeavor. Without a careful plan of attack and a well-managed process, the rebrand can quickly go off the rails. Set deadlines and mitigate going down those pesky rabbit holes with a well thought-out project plan.

5. Plan a launch. Even the most amazing rebrand is wasted if you never actually launch it. Make sure you plan your rebrand launch and let your customers know why you rebranded- this will help minimise confusion. It’s also important to launch your rebrand across all of your channels