? Company: Portman Asset Finance Description:Finance Location: Northampton, UK Our Role:Full Service Website: portmanassetfinance.co.uk James not only gave the Portman brand a new lease of life, but in a staggering amount of time took the business from generating...
? Company: Boost Trampoline Parks Description: Leisure Location:Northampton/Leicester, UK Our Role: Graphic Design, Social Media Design Website:boosttrampolineparks.co.uk James’ impact on Boost Northamptons social media engagement was huge and he has put...
? Company: Flore House Description: Hotel/B&B Location: Flore, UK Our Role: Logo Design Website: florehouse.co.uk Ecletic logo design for Flore House Flore house is an executive retreat, a historic filming location, and a filming location based nestled in one...
? Company: Origin Finance Description: Commercial Finance Location: Northampton, UK Our Role: Full Service Website: originfinance.co.uk I’ve worked with James for almost five years now and he never ceases to amaze me. Some of the creative ideas he has come up...
? Company: Moto Valet Services Description: Car Valeting Location: Kettering, UK Our Role: Logo Design, Logo Animation Website:motovaletservices.co.uk A sleek, automotive-inspired logo that communicates the service on offer Kettering based Moto Valet Services...