Marketing Tips For Trampoline Parks

In recent years, the number of trampoline parks across the UK has soared. Entrepreneurs are drawn to the business model largely because of the low running costs. While they might seem like a sure thing, as with any business, some trampoline parks fail. Along with poor park design, and bad customer experiences, one of the top reasons that trampoline parks in the UK close down is because of poor marketing. If your trampoline park is struggling, or you are looking to open a trampoline park of your own, use these five marketing tips to help get your new trampoline park off the ground.


1: Focus on your target market

At first, it seems as if all trampoline parks in the UK share the same target market. But it’s not quite as simple as that. Will your trampoline park cater for the Parkour practising teenager? Or will it be designed to attract families with young children? A lot of this will stem from the equipment that you choose for your trampoline park, and the branding that you create. What appeals to the teenage market, is very different to what mothers of young children are likely to engage with. Think about who your most likely, and reliable market will be and focus everything on them. Many trampoline parks  have failed because they tried to be everything to everyone. Unfortunately it doesn’t work like that.

2: Raise awareness and take bookings as early as possible

As soon as you have the site for your trampoline park agreed, you should begin raising awareness. Send out press releases to local newspapers and social media groups letting them know that your park is coming soon. When you are at the stage of having a concrete opening date for your trampoline park, start taking early bird bookings. It is up to you whether you offer some kind of special offer to people that book early, but you will be taking a lot of pressure off yourself by allowing people to book into those first sessions.

3: Build a high performing, high converting website

Your customer’s main method of booking sessions at your trampoline park will be through your website. It is critical that you have a high performing website in terms of load times and keep the navigation simple. A ‘book now’ button is one of the first things that visitors to your website should see, as in all likely hood, that’s what they’re there to do. Keep the booking process as simple as possible.

4: Collect data

Once your trampoline park is open, one of the most important things you can do for the future of your trampoline park’s marketing is collect data. The most obvious ways to do this is through your waiver forms. This will get you the highest volume of data and you will very soon have an email database of thousands of customers. But there are more ways to get data that will lead to more engagement. For example, a login portal that requires users of your customer Wifi to sign in with their social media account. Thanks to the way that Facebook prompts users to post a review after tagging themselves at a location, you will greatly increase your number of reviews. Some popular review sites also have integrations with this type of set up, meaning that they will automatically request reviews from visitors a couple of days after they’ve been to your trampoline park.

5: Use the Data!

Sitting on the thousands of email addresses you’ve collected in your first few months of opening isn’t going to do anything! Use the data you have and use it wisely. Trampoline parks are very fortunate in that they can collect marketable data from customers as easily as they can, due to the fact that almost everyone books online. But what to do with the data? Develop an email marketing strategy for your trampoline park that will keep them engaged and coming back again and again. Email marketing campaigns will keep customers up to date with your trampoline park’s news, offers and details of upcoming events. Using a platform such as Mailchimp also means you will be able to measure the success of your email marketing and make improvements.

Need help with your trampoline park marketing?

Command Creative helped Northampton-based Boost Trampoline Parks get the most from its social media channels, in particular Facebook. Over a twelve-month period, we helped Boost reach millions of potential customers, and increased the businesses following across social media dramatically. Get in touch to find out how we can help your park reach it’s potential.