Portman Asset Finance


Northampton, UK

Our Role:
Full Service


James not only gave the Portman brand a new lease of life, but in a staggering amount of time took the business from generating very few online leads per month to upwards of one thousand leads per month.

Greg Durkan – Commercial Director, Portman Asset Finance

Clean, approachable and elegant.


Portman Asset Finance approached Command Creative in November 2016 with a view to overhauling the company’s existing branding and website and developing a digital marketing strategy that would generate the business more leads. 

Over the first few months, we worked closely with the directors of the business to craft a new image for the Northampton based brokerage. After discussions with various stakeholders, we overhauled the company’s entire suite of marketing collateral and introduced a number of new channels, such as email marketing.

In addition to creating a new brand identity for Portman, we also created fifteen sub-brands for the company that they would use when targeting different sectors, such as catering, leisure and construction. These sub-brands were closely tied to the main brand.

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