Rick Bestwick Magnavale

Cold Storage/Logistics

Chesterfield, UK

Our Role:
Rebrand, Logo Design, Web Design


A new, robust brand and website refresh for Chesterfield-based, Magnavale

We have worked with Chesterfield cold-storage giants, Rick Bestwick Magnavale, for several years, providing them with design, photography and video services. In mid 2020, they approached Command about a full rebrand, having decided it was time to phase out the ‘Rick Bestwick’ part of the name. The project involved delivering a new logo design, print material, website design and stationery for the business, which also has sites in Warrington and Scunthorpe.

Prior to exploring the reasons behind the rebrand, and the new avenues the business was looking to explore, we set to work developing a new, future-proof, brand image that would represent the company’s reimagined brand values, while giving a nod to the previous brand.

Magnavale Logo Design Rationale

“Having worked with Magnavale since 2018 it was a pleasure to work with them on their rebrand, bringing the business up to date with a new image, which will hopefully last them many years to come.”

James Kenny – Creative Director, Command Creative

Once the logo design had been signed off, we got to work overhauling the existing company website, making sure every page was in-line with the new branding. Having built the company’s original website, it was relatively straight forward for us to refresh the current site, rather than develop a new one from the ground up.

Alongside our work on the new Magnavale logo and website design, we also provided the company with signage designs for each of it’s three sites, along with a full stationery pack, which included new business cards, compliments slips and letterheads.

If you are a business based in Chesterfield, Warrington, Scunthorpe, or anywhere else for that matter, and are looking to rebrand your business, get in touch.

Are you looking to rebrand your business?

Command works with businesses of all sizes across the UK, designing new, future-proof brands and delivery high quality website designs. Get in touch with us today to discuss how we can assist you with the rebranding of your business.

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